Payment options

My preferred payment method is by PayPal.  This will provide you with a secure mode of payment for you.

The following link will take you to PayPal Australia and guide you through the process:  Copy this link into your web browser.

 I will generally invoice you and alternative payment options will be provided direct to my bank account.  Unless otherwise stated elsewhere in this website must be completed within 21 days of the invoice date.  

If you wish to purchase a photograph or digital file please do the following:

1) Create an account on my site. It is recommended that your user ID be your email address. If you are wishing to obtain entry into a secure client section of my website I will require up to 24 hours to process your account and allow you access to the secure area. I will notify you by email of your entitlement to enter the secure area. You will know you have access when you see "locked symbol" icons come up in the folder view. Simply click on this folder to access images within the folder.

2) This account will give you access to a "Favourite" holding area. This will hold files you are wanting to retain for purchase or review.

3) You can also ask for a quote on other work via my home page for other services such as Retouching or Restoration work.

4) Please lodge an order for any photographs via your account.

5) No order will be processed until payment is received in my business bank account via direct debit. If paying directly into my business account please use your name and initials in the reference tab, or alternatively enter the digital file number in the references tab.

6) If you are ordering high quality prints (sourced from interstate agent), these orders will normally take 7-10 days to complete. Please note that some of these prints will require you to also purchase a test print at $17.50. This test print is on 8x10 inch paper, and is necessary where more expensive prints are proposed, such as Supergloss paper. This is to ensure your larger print will be of high quality when it is processed and that any printing adjustments are made prior to the main printing being completed.



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